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Mini Facelift Table of Contents

What is a mini facelift?

The mini facelift is designed to address two areas: the midface and the jawline. This procedure involves smaller incisions than the ones employed with a traditional facelift, allowing Dr. Weber to create a natural, rejuvenated look without making it obvious that the patient has had work done. This procedure is effective at combating early signs of aging in the face, such as fine lines and skin laxity, without requiring an extensive recovery period.

While the mini facelift offers more minimal enhancements than its traditional counterpart, it is a great option for younger patients who want to tighten up and smooth out the skin in their midface and jaw regions.

What are the benefits?

  • Lighter anesthesia: General anesthesia is not required for this procedure. Either local anesthesia alone or combined with oral sedative medications in the office setting is adequate for complete comfort.
  • Lighter recovery period: Recovery from a mini facelift is considerably less intense than recovery from a full facelift.
  • Shorter incisions: The incisions used in this procedure are small and limited in scope, meaning that the scars are also less perceptible. All incisions are made in the face’s folds, keeping them obscured from vision.
Closeup of an older woman's face, hand to her neck, highlighting facelift in Denver

Who is a candidate for a mini facelift?

Generally speaking, this procedure is considered ideal for younger patients. Older patients will see more benefits from a full facelift. During the consultation, Dr. Weber works with patients to curate a unique treatment plan that will address all of their issues.

A mini facelift is ideal for patients who:

  • Want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and sagging skin in the mid or lower part of the face
  • Prefer a shorter recovery period so they can get back to their lives
  • Want to get a head start on addressing signs of aging before they develop further

As with any surgical treatment, it is vital that patients:

  • Be of sound body and mind
  • Eat a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight
  • Refrain from smoking and blood thinning medication, including aspirin
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure

What does the procedure entail?

Mini facelift procedures usually take no longer than an hour to complete. Patients typically only require light anesthesia with oral sedation medications (pills), as the procedure is brief.

The procedure involves making incisions in front of the ears, spanning from the hairline to the lower end of the earlobe. The skin is then gently pulled up and outward. Excess skin is then removed to give the skin a tighter appearance.

Patients who undergo a mini facelift usually experience some swelling and bruising, but these effects are typically milder than a traditional facelift and will dissipate after a few days. Patients can go home once they feel ready. However, they must get a ride home, as they cannot drive themselves.

What is the recovery process like?

Once the surgery has been completed, the patient’s face is wrapped in a bandage that covers all sutures and incisions. The recovery period from a mini facelift can last anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, during which swelling and bruising will gradually fade away. During a follow-up appointment, the sutures are removed.

Patients must refrain from all vigorous exercise and strenuous activity for the first week.

Mini Facelift FAQs

How long does the mini facelift procedure take to perform?

A Mini Facelift usually takes an hour to perform but can be longer depending on certain factors. The doctor will go over the procedure time during the consultation.

What should I expect immediately following a mini facelift?

Patients will need to arrange a ride home for themselves, as they will not be able to drive. Patients should set up a comfortable environment for themselves at home, as they will want to rest and relax on the first day.

What is the first week of recovery like?

Patients need to avoid exercise and keep their head elevated by using 2 or 3 pillows behind their head while sleeping. The face usually remains swollen for a period of 1 to 2 weeks following the procedure. Patients should eat a soft diet and avoid hard chewing for the first two days.

What side effects should be expected from the recovery process?

Following the procedure, it is common to develop certain conditions around the injection sites. These can include numbness, swelling, tingling, itching, discoloration, bumpiness, hardness, crusting, tightness, and redness. These will resolve on their own.

Is there any scarring?

Mini facelifts are advantageous for patients as they involve much smaller incisions. These incisions are made in areas that will ensure any future scarring will be hidden from vision. Overall, the results from this procedure are very aesthetically pleasing with minimal scarring.

Are mini facelift procedures covered by insurance?

The mini facelift is a cosmetic procedure, meaning that it is not covered by insurance plans.

Why choose Dr. Weber?

A renowned name in the world of aesthetic facial surgery, Dr. Stephen Weber has been proudly providing the greater Denver area with the best in cosmetic procedures for decades. His lengthy educational and training background includes Boston University School of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, and the University of Michigan.

Beyond his credentials and certifications, Dr. Weber is championed for his consistent dedication to excellence and client satisfaction. He curates a fine-tuned treatment plan based on the patient’s unique concerns and ensures that they are comfortable throughout the treatment process.

Reach out today to set up an appointment.

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Weber Facial Plastic Surgery



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